Insights First, Data Second

This piece was originally written for and published on Native, the journal of the Digital R&D Fund for the Arts. It is part of the Making Digital Work: Data guide, available to download here. Even if we do recognise the worth of our data and make the time to gather and analyse it, if we’re […]

Keeping Things Fresh

This piece was originally written for and published on Native, the journal of the Digital R&D Fund for the Arts. It is part of the Making Digital Work: Business Models guide, available to download here.  We increasingly need to justify what we do, which in turn is leading to a sector-wide identity crisis. We none of […]

Budgeting for Innovation

This piece was originally written for and published on Native, the journal of the Digital R&D Fund for the Arts. Budgeting is an art. People who are good at it approach the empty spreadsheet like a canvas, using formulae to move numbers around until they’ve painted a glorious picture of their future project. What happens […]